How a Spider – Arachnid – makes a web

The animation is 128k and will take 1 – 3min on a 56k modem, you will need flash 6 or later to view it. It will auto load and start, using the buttons you can play/stop the sequence.

First the spider needs to make a bridge line, this thread dangles and catch on a breeze lifting and fixing to a branch. It is the most important thread as all the web hangs from it. The spider moves down creating a Y shape fixing a point at the bottom. Next, the spider makes the spokes of the web, when these are complete it makes the spiral, starting off in the center and working out. The web complete the spider lies in wait at the center of the web for its prey. Other spiders attach a line to their web and hide away, if its prey touches the web the line moves and alerts the spider.

A spiders thread compared to steel wire of the same thickness is stronger. Pictures and information about spiders